
Doctor Booking Platform

This automatated platform is designed to book doctors for patients, to create sessions for doctors and to manage all kinds of tasks related to echannelling services for hospitals. This total free service is offered to ease day to day channelling tasks of patients, doctors and hospitals.

Call to Action!

The platform is under construction.

More details:

0777 101 456, 0712 300 800, 0713 597 697

For Patients

Patients are allowed to create login accounts and make appointments for doctors and choose a hospital or channelling service acording to their own will.

For Doctors

Doctors are offered the facility to create booking sessions for selected hospitals or channelling services at thier fingertips in a few seconds and view their patients' booking details.

For Hospitals

The application consists of user friendly systems for doctor booking, patient management and SMS notifiction. This appliction tool will help them for marketing promotions.